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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit S200UK-I-495 POP Narratives to show on Nominal Transactions.

Traceability between Invoice and Purchase Order

I would like the SAGE 200 standard on-line software to be updated to provide a link between the Invoice and the Purchase Order Information. At present when bringing up the details of an invoice it only shows the supplier code and does not show what has been purchased from the supplier. In schools we are required by audit to raise purchase orders for all expenditure, however, as a Bursar I need to see the detail and description of the purchase at present I can only see the supplier code. To improve the software I would like to see:

    Purchase order information when producing department reports from the nominal reports list, so that instead or as well as PI/Supplier code it lists the products which have been ordered. A link between the invoice number and the purchase order number in the supplier Transaction Inquiry, so that there is an extra field showing the purchase order number, against each invoice.