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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Single alt+tab from Sage 200c to an external programme

We have just upgraded from Sage 200 to Sage 200c.

We do a lot of SKU tabbing (alt+tab) from external programs such as Excel and Word in to 'View Stock item balances' in Sage.

On this new version of Sage the alt+tab function only works within the Sage programme, i.e alt+tab takes you from 'View Stock item balances' to the Sage home screen or any other open function such as 'View buying prices' unlike the old version which would tab straight across to the external programme such as Excel.

The only other way is to double tab out of Sage into the external programmes which as we have up to 8 programmes (constantly in use) open at once is not the easiest action to perform.

As we perform this action 100s of times daily this is extremely frustrating and I find it have to believe any one would intentionally design it to be like this!

Is there is a way to go back to the way the old version of Sage tabbed straight across please?