Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Placing sales orders on hold when switching between rapid order entry and full order entry.

I have tested this and it appears that in v5.1 you could switch between Rapid Order entry and Full Order Entry and it didn’t enforce the credit limit check. Neither myself or Sage 200 Support know the exact version when this changed but currently in the latest two versions of Sage 200 (2016 & 2016) the credit limit check in enforced more robustly and the following happens on a standard system:

Raise rapid order for customer exceeding the credit limit – you are prompted to override the credit limit hold which you accept and enter the item lines.

Click the Full Order Button and add comment lines or free text lines to the order.

Click Save and click ok on the sales order confirmation box.

You are presented with an on hold warning box. This tells you the customer has exceeded the credit limit and the order will be put on hold.

System then generates the next order number and saves the order placing it on hold.

Would it be possible to suggest that when switching between the rapid order entry and the full order entry screen and clicking 'Save' Sage 200 prompts you to again override the credit hold rather than simply put it on hold as it does at this moment in time?

  • Guest
  • Aug 24 2016
  • Idea Accepted - Gauging Support