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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal
Status Will not implement
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 9, 2018

Budget Statement Breakdown By Department report should reconcile

As a Multi-Academy Trust we have used the report Budget Statement Breakdown By Department to report to departmental budget holders. Now we have completed a year end it is apparent that the data for the Summary and the Breakdown differs, with one using accounting period and one using transaction date, so the Breakdown does not provide all the transactions on the department in the current financial year. There are different figures for any nominal that has an invoice paid in the new year, with a date prior to year end. The report is quite meaningless if it does not report on transactions recorded in the current financial year.

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Dec 7, 2023

    Please contact our Report Design Service - we may be able to make a change to your reports. Details on how to do this can be found in our knowledgebase article.


Apparent inconsistency with Nominal Budget - Statement Breakdown Reports

SAGE 200c for EDUCATION On the criteria screen for the Budget Statement Breakdown reports the user must specify a date range (note: dates, not periods). The report produced consists of 2 sections: a summary for the Dept selected listing the nomina...
Guest about 7 years ago in Nominal - Budget Reports 1 Will not implement

Budget Statement Breakdown reports change

When generating these reports for budget holders the breakdown detail needs to cover everything processed in the financial year. Although the first summary page does have the correctinformation the follow-on breakdown pages only include posted tra...
Guest about 4 years ago in Nominal - Budget Reports 1 Will not implement