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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

BOM View Cost Breakdown Roll up Sub Assemblies into Cost Headings option available for reporting

At the moment the option Roll up Sub Assemblies into Cost Headings is available on the BOM View Cost Breakdown screen. When customers are wanting to report on this on mass they tend to go to the Costing History (With Breakdown) report however this just reports on the specific BOM reference with its cost headings. I understand report designer would be limited to get this functionality due to how its calculating but an enquiry screen to be able to get this rollup on mass or some other way of reporting for several BOMs at a time would be useful. At the moment you can use the default costing option or use the roll up option one BOM by BOM basis which becomes time consuming and makes reporting very limited. The roll up feature is useful but would be more useful if more widespread for enquiring/reporting. Thanks Lucas