Many companies now require source lot Traceable products, the current Sage 200 system only has a support for non-traceable stock items within the Manage Stock Take process that is once the stock take process has been completed the postings and stock balance updates are sent to the Stock Control and Nominal Ledger modules. I think it would be a great benefit to include Traceable items within the manage Stock Take process so the postings and stock balance updates were sent to the Stock Control and Nominal Ledger modules. As a company, we all so handle many 1000s of fast moving products and therefore require a more frequent stock take. I created a bespoke report that only included these faster moving products therefore allowing more frequent stock takes the filter expression included the following line. (WarehouseItems.DateOfLastSale < null) AND ((TraceableBinItems.GoodsInQuantity - TraceableBinItems.GoodsOutQuantity) < 0) If this type of stock take was all so included in the manage stock take process I think it would be a great help for many companies.