When cancelling a purchase order or lines within it there is no option to record a reason why. This would be helpful to refer back to if there are future queries.
We’re currently investigating this idea with a view to including it in a future release.
We’re looking for customers who are interested in this functionality and would be willing to talk to us about how this works in their business today and what changes would benefit them. Discussions will take around 30 minutes and we'd really appreciate your insight to shape how this feature would work.
We’re currently investigating this idea with a view to including it in a future release.
We’re looking for customers who are interested in this functionality and would be willing to talk to us about how this works in their business today and what changes would benefit them. Discussions will take around 30 minutes and we'd really appreciate your insight to shape how this feature would work.
If you are interested in helping please email ukisage200productmanagement@sage.com.