Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Financial Data Designer - Help guide (or lack of)

Please can a guide be produced for the format of writing P+L's in the excel reporting section, they are much better than the old style PDF P+L, as great to have monthly trend showing, however making the format behave as you want is tricky, as seems numbering the sub total areas sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, so some guidance would be appreciative. Also, sometimes a group doesn't give you a sub total as will do 2 groups together, or the order of Gross profit, net profit, EBITDA etc.. just has its own logic of where it wants to display, as opposed to how it is viewed within the data designer. The Sage interactive help menu gives no indication as to how to write the format to be the layout you want.

  • Guest
  • Apr 5 2018
  • Idea Accepted - Gauging Support