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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

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Ability to find and go to transaction number (from Sage 50)

In Sage 50, when viewing the transaction listing, you could click find, type in a transaction number and go to that transaction. In Sage 200 you can add a filter to isolate the transaction number, but you cannot view it in its original surroundings.
Guest almost 8 years ago in Transaction Enquiry 1 Already Exists

Sage 200 limits you to 1 Cash Account, we require at least 5, more than 1 cash account would be very helpful

Cash Account
Guest about 8 years ago in New/Amend Account 2 Already Exists

Revenue Nominal Account - Sage 200 Standard/Education

Would it not be better practice for the purchase and sales orders to use the nominal codes for the relevant stock item rather than use the defaults against the customer / supplier? We are a multi-disciplined company with several departments and it...
Guest over 4 years ago in New/Amend Order 1 Already Exists

Direct Delivery Orders - PO Link

Client has a lot of direct deliveries from the same supplier and would like to be able to use the SO to jump to the PO linked in to the order. Would it be possible for a option for view linked Purchase orders or similar to be added to the window s...
Phil Edmondson over 4 years ago in Back to Back Orders 1 Already Exists

Allocation of Stock to Sales Orders

Can there be an option added to bypass the allocation of stock to a sales order? Or to batch allocate from stock for a range of selected sales orders. Allocating each line from stock on a rapid sales order takes so long as each line needs
Guest over 8 years ago in Allocate 0 Already Exists

Entering Credit notes

When entering Credit notes or reversing invoices there is no facility to add a narrative as this seems to have been disabled? Any ideas on how to rectify this?
Guest almost 9 years ago in Corrections 1 Already Exists

Billing Process for Service Invoices

The billing process for service invoices is very cumbersome and time assuming, and involves both the processing of a sale order and despatch of good process before an invoice can be generated. This is inappropriate for service business based busin...
Guest almost 9 years ago in New/Amend Invoice 1 Already Exists

Email notifications for Major Outages

Sage 200 is currently down due to a major outage (29/05). This is reported on however it would be great if we could be alerted to any major outages via email.
Guest over 4 years ago in Email Notifications 1 Already Exists

E-Reconcile - would be nice to be able to save the e-reconciliation half way through as you can on the manual process, to close and revisit or close and carry on with the reconciliation

A client would like to be able to process some of his e-reconciliation and then save this and go back to it to complete like you can on the manual reconciliation. There is no save feature with in the e-reconcile (confirmed by 200 support)&
Phil Edmondson over 9 years ago in Bank Feeds (Bank Reconciliation) 1 Already Exists

Swap Option in Desktop Lists

Coming from a Sage 50 background thefunction to select SWAP in Sage 200 is confusing. Whilst in Sage 50, if you selected SWAP all records or all records other than those highlighted would be swapped. However, in Sa
Guest over 9 years ago in List 1 Already Exists