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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

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Allocation of payments

On SAGE 50, you can press F3 to allocate a full payment but on SAGE 200 you have to triple click. The 'auto allocate' doesn't work when they pay invoices and miss a couple out in between. We sometimes have to allocate over 100 transactions to a pa...
Hennessey, Megan 4 months ago in Payment / Payment/Receipt 4 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Have an warning to prevent stock being removed from a sales order after pick note is printed. To ensure the pick note reflects the same changes.

After a pick note is printed and is being picked, the sales order can still be amended and have items removed from the order. This has lead to stock being picked and shipped but not despatched or invoiced as had been removed without the warehouse ...
Angie Martin 21 days ago in New/Amend Order 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Country of Origin field to be added to Import and Export

'Country of Origin' field to be added to Stock Import and Export so that this can be updated en masse.
Raven Jones 7 months ago in Import/ Export 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Add ageing columns on customer list screen

By adding ageing columns you can then run filters to bring up customers with certain ageing criteria for reporting and statements
Martyn Richardson about 1 month ago in List 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Allow expressions to determine email attachments

I have spent ages merging the format of 3 company invoices into a master layout The site now have a need to include T&C as an email attachment but the attachments are fixed file, no ability to select attachment A or B depending on some expression
Andrew Dunn about 1 month ago in Emailing 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

SOP Archiving by customer account number

We need functionality to archive sales orders by customer account number. This is crucial as we cannot delete a customer account without archiving the data first. At present we can only archive based on date, therefore, we are also archiving order...
Katja Monks 9 months ago in Archive 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Functionality to report on the Sage Features allocated to individual User Roles

Suggestion to allow the ability to report on Features that have been linked to individual or their User Roles. At present there is limited clarity in reviewing the features applied for each role/user. The ability to create a report that could be e...
Guest about 2 years ago in Roles / SAA - Roles and enabled features 4 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Add a 'Outstanding SOP allocations' column to stock item list view

There's currently a 'Quantity on POP order' column available on the Stock List view, but there isn't a column to show the unallocated/outstanding quantity on SOP orders. You have to run the Stock Expected In Out report to get that information, but...
John Dunn 5 months ago in List 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support


Currently using the Supplier payment option for entering a payment whether allocated to an invoice or just a POA / deposit does not allow for a remittance advice to be printed. In particular this is an issue if you want to produce a remittance for...
Victoria Hanley about 2 years ago in Generate Payments 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Sales Quotations amend type form pro forma

by accident we occasionally amend a sales order to a pro forma - once done CANNOT RECONVERT TO A SALES ORDER
Stuart Shephard 17 days ago in Convert Pro Forma 2 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support