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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

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Sage e-banking log files - History of Log files - SAGEBPRN.TXT

Setting Option in Cash Book E-banking Details to save log files automatically in the Sage folder on the server, so if you need to review them for audit purposes you have quick access to them, without having to remember to print or save them manually
Saeed Malik over 9 years ago in Ebanking (Payments) 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Link Project Accounting to Sales Ledger to prevent projects being entered for On Hold customers

Sage is not consistent in that it allows Projects to be put on for customers who are On Hold in Sales Ledger. It would be useful if the link to Sales Ledger pulled through this information, which could prevent Projects from being entered, or a war...
Guest over 9 years ago in Project Accounting 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

SOP Order Taken By: known issue 84

An old one this but still not fixed. Known issue no 84 first raised back in 2008! If Use the user&s logon name as the document taker is NOT ticked in SOP Settings / Invoice and Order Entry / Document Taken By, the user&s logon name is stil...
Geoff Turner almost 5 years ago in New/Amend Order 1 Not an idea

Sage 200 CRM to have a Discount percentage

Sage 200 CRM already has the discount value, but not the discount percentage on quotes or orders synchronised from Sage 200. This means when you do a merge to a quotation template in Sage 200 CRM you can not show the discount percentage on a quota...
Robert Brailsford over 9 years ago in CRM 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Split Prepayment & Accruals to more than one Profit and Loss Account

Split Prepayment & Accruals Journal Entries to more than one Profit and Loss Account i.e. departmental or Cost Centre split based on %
Guest over 9 years ago in Prepayments/Accruals 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Balance Ledgers - Stock Items - Fixing and Reporting

1) Have Balance Ledgers always produce a report even if it's to say "No errors". It should also indicate if it was a Validate Only or a Validate and Fix. This is an audit trail and *may* be of use when discussing a problem with the Sage Support Te...
Guest over 9 years ago in Verify Data 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Email notifications for Major Outages

Sage 200 is currently down due to a major outage (29/05). This is reported on however it would be great if we could be alerted to any major outages via email.
Guest almost 5 years ago in Email Notifications 1 Already Exists

E-Reconcile - would be nice to be able to save the e-reconciliation half way through as you can on the manual process, to close and revisit or close and carry on with the reconciliation

A client would like to be able to process some of his e-reconciliation and then save this and go back to it to complete like you can on the manual reconciliation. There is no save feature with in the e-reconcile (confirmed by 200 support)&
Phil Edmondson over 9 years ago in Bank Feeds (Bank Reconciliation) 1 Already Exists

Allow the home page setting to work on the first log in of the day.

I have been informed that logged issue no 8176 was resolved as cleared because the marketing team have requested the change to prevent the Home Page setting from working the first time a user logs into Sage each day. It use to work on our old vers...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Home page 1 Will not implement

Make SOP Analysis Codes mandatory for Sales Returns only

A requirement has been highlighted for one of our customers to be able to create an Analysis Code to use in SOP that would be mandatory but for Sales Returns only. This would allow the customer to analyse their Sales Returns in more detail, such a...
Guest over 9 years ago in New/Amend Order 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support