Purchase Requisition - Retaining drafts of submitted Purchase Requisitions
When a user has saved a draft Purchase Requisition and eventually submit it, is it possible to add the option to keep the submitted draft for future use (Similar to a template) in the event of repeat Purchase Requisitions.
over 6 years ago
in Requisition
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
On the new Invoicing module - there is only the option to add/select Nominal Code (no option to select project code) Would be handy to be able to select Project Code - especially if you only want to invoice a non-stock item like a free text/delive...
Paul Daly
over 6 years ago
in New/Amend Invoice
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
An ability to define Keyboard shortcuts in Sage 200 = improve accessibility / improve business process efficiency
There are a number of system shortcuts. You can see these at: http://desktophelp.sage.co.uk/sage200/2015/help.htm#General/2015 Desktop/Using_the_Keyboard.htm I would like to be able to define keyboard shortcuts to further facilitate the use of the...
over 9 years ago
in Keyboard Controls
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Amend the exchange rate when adding a Sales Receipt for a euro customer with a euro bank account
When entering a sales receipt for a euro customer to a euro bank account you can not change the exchange rate. If the currency is set to Euro then the exchange rate is taken from the Accounting system manager. If the currency drop down is set to P...
over 9 years ago
in Payment/Receipt
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
For example if 100 were ordered and 200 received but only 100 invoiced our customers would like the ability to amend then goods received to 100 at least. There is also an argument to allow them to amend it back to 0 as a lot of our customers recei...
over 9 years ago
in GRN
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
If an order has been submitted incorrectly to the finance team there should be an option to send it back to budget holder for amendments. It would be ideal to see comments in the requisition to PO main screen instead of having to press on comments...
over 6 years ago
in Requisition
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Demo Data/Migrated Data - Display Account Balance not ticked on all Nominal Accounts
Every time a new demo data version we have to run a script to change all the accounts to True. This is also the same for when Sage 50 data is migrated to Sage 200
Saeed Malik
over 9 years ago
in New/Amend Account
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Would like to be able to edit the VAT on a sales invoice - customer not happy with only being able to add a VAT only invoice and would like to amend the VAT
Lucy Johnson
over 6 years ago
in New/Amend Order
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support