Customisable on stop allow one order to proceed, control how much credit a company can have without taking customer on and off stop repeatedly which is extremely time consuming. Account activity alerts for credit controller.
about 9 years ago
in Account Status
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Please add the ability to transfer allocated stock
Currently once stock is allocated to an order or customer you are no longer able totransfer this stock. My company has long production runs and where it takes several weeks sometimes to manufacture one order. We allocate the stock to an order as i...
over 9 years ago
in Transfer
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
A customer has noticed that the 'Free stock quantity' is now static when writing off stock. It brings through the current Free stock when you enter the Stock Item Code and Warehouse but doesn't update when you enter the amount you want to write of...
John Dunn
about 6 years ago
in Write off stock
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
To be able to add columns on the Record Purchase Invoice Screen
Under the Select Order Items to Match Invoice field in Record Purchase Invoice, would it be possible to be able to add columns for further details of an item (e.g. part code)?
about 6 years ago
in Invoice/Credit
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support