Opportunity to substitute items out of stock when processing a BOM to an alternative
Would it be possible to amend BOM to give users the opportunity to substitute any component items which are out of stock to use an alternative when processing the build, rather than users having to go into the BOM record and change it manually?
over 8 years ago
in Processing
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Better Messaging on allocation errors relating to Use By dates
I had a case today where the customer was unable to allocate free stock on an order line. On raising the line and selecting the warehouse and typing a quantity, it came up with a yellow highlight in the Quantity field (and red if you tried to allo...
Gary Butler
about 5 years ago
in New/Amend Order
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Product record flag to show there are attachments against this record e.g. images COSHH Data Spec Sheets
It would be really useful on the main screen or product workspace to see if there are attachments relating to the product rather than having to View the record and move to the attachments tab to see if anything is present. this would make it easie...
Victoria Hanley
almost 7 years ago
in New/Amend Stock Record
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Can we add predictive text to other screens like Rapid Order Entry?
In Sage 200 Extra 2016, the new predictive text functionality was added to Rapid Order Entry. It would be great to add this to other screens such as Full Order Entry.
almost 9 years ago
in New/Amend Order
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Some companies require proxy server settings in internet explorer. The System Administration does not seem to use these so somewhere to put in the address and credentials in order to pass through their proxy would help.
almost 9 years ago
in Proxy settings
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
The Price Book export creates a super Excel spread-sheet for the manipulation of selling prices. However, most companies need to maintain their margins against a cost price - sometimes the latest, sometimes the average. Since the &last price&a...
almost 9 years ago
in Price Book
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
When switching between different companies on Sage 200 the columns do not automatically update
We have multiple companies on Sage 200 with different requirements, so we have different columns open on each screen due to different analysis codes & terminology. However when you switch between the companies, it doesn&t seem to remember ...
almost 9 years ago
in List
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support