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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

New/Amend Stock Record

Showing 32

Update Standard Cost on stock item record en masse after BOMs have been re-costed.

My client, Dellner Woodville, would like to be able to update the Standard Cost en masse after they re-cost all of their BOMs. For now, I&ve to do a SQL script to update StockItem.StandardCost based on the latest cost for an item from the BOMC...
Richard Cunningham over 9 years ago in New/Amend Stock Record 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Product record flag to show there are attachments against this record e.g. images COSHH Data Spec Sheets

It would be really useful on the main screen or product workspace to see if there are attachments relating to the product rather than having to View the record and move to the attachments tab to see if anything is present. this would make it easie...
Victoria Hanley almost 7 years ago in New/Amend Stock Record 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

When adding stock should be able to specify a stock unit

When you are adding stock in for an Item. Would be better if you could specify the stock unit for the stock you are adding in. I.e. rather than using 0.1 for a box of 10 to add in 1 part of the box, you should be able to choose the &Each& ...
Guest over 9 years ago in New/Amend Stock Record 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Ability to quickly select all locations when adding a new stock item

Our customer has requested the ability to select all locations quickly from a tick list when creating a new stock item via Sage200 rather than have to add them one by one. The ideal scenario would be a stock setting to apply all locations when cre...
Kathleen Leask over 9 years ago in New/Amend Stock Record 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Set Default Stock Location by Stock Item

We have several locations and store different items in each locations. SOP only allows you to set a default for the entire order, we pick from multiple locations so it would be clearer for us to set default locations by stock item.
Amanda Blundell over 7 years ago in New/Amend Stock Record 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Unit of Measure needs displaying on stock item suppliers details

You can add/amend the supplier details for any stock item. You can put in list prices and quantities, but nowhere does the screen display the appropriate unit of measure that applies to these prices and quantities. It needs to be displayed to avoi...
Guest over 7 years ago in New/Amend Stock Record 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

When entering a NON STOCK item, surely a location is not needed.

Sage 200 won't let you save a part No without a location even though it is not a stock item . I have a number of these and I have had to put a location in before it will let me save it
Guest over 7 years ago in New/Amend Stock Record 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Weight on Products

We need the ability to retrieve the weight when getting a product from Sage 200 Extra Online.
Guest about 5 years ago in New/Amend Stock Record 1 Already Exists

Stock View Batch/Serial No screen: include archived stock transactions

At present, this screen (Sage.MMS.Stock.ViewTraceableItemDetailsForm) doesn't show any details (receipts/issues) once the relevant stock history has been archived. This applies to both current and archived batch/serial numbers, and means that it c...
Geoff Turner over 5 years ago in New/Amend Stock Record 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Supplier Discount Field Within Stock Item

It would be extremely beneficial to add a field within the stock item to allow a supplier discount (%) to be loaded. A discount can be entered within a supplier purchase order, but this has to be added manually each time to the purchase order. It ...
Guest over 5 years ago in New/Amend Stock Record 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support