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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal


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Add Returns/Credit Notes to the Invoice Profitability reports(2632)

Add Returns/Credit Notes to the Invoice Profitability reports
Guest about 10 years ago in Invoicing - Profitability Reports / Profitability 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

WEEE Sales by Product Report

Ability to run a WEEE sales by product quantity report on a quarterly basis. At present there is a check box in the Stock Item Entry but this information is only for reference. This is a legal requirement that at present has to be done manually.Al...
Amanda Blundell almost 9 years ago in Stock - WEEE Sales By Product Report 1 Already Exists

Stock Standard Cost History - add column to show quantity of stock

It would be useful to have a quantity on the Stock Standard Cost History to show the quantity of stock present when a user made a change to the standard cost, as it would help them make manual journals to the nominal to account for the change in v...
Tim Critchley over 3 years ago in Stock 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Report - Export to Excel - add an option to export direct to excel rather than having to save the report first

You have save the file first, it would be good to export direct to excel
Saeed Malik almost 8 years ago in Send To Excel 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Reports that have criteria for Analysis Codes should only list values in the drop down list that are present in the analysis code used in the criteria

eg the default reports installed show all analysis codes in the drop down lists when you click on Criteria, each report has to be amended to restrict the values.
Saeed Malik over 6 years ago in Criteria 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Reports that have sub reports (eg) the purchase ledger drill down report to be able to be output to csv excel . Currently this does not

Reports that have sub reports (eg) the purchase ledger drill down report to be able to be output to csv excel . Currently this does not
Guest over 6 years ago in Send To Excel 2 Further Information Required

Nominal Reports - Transaction Listing report needs to show PO numbers please.

For ease of controlling department budgets, and explaining where the money has gone, it would be good to have a nominal transaction report that also included PO numbers / supplier name showing Budget, actual expenditure and commitment to give an o...
Guest over 7 years ago in Nominal 1 Will not implement

Reports - Export to Excel without merged cells and the need to remove un-necessary data

All the most popular reports to be configured to export to excel without merged cells, users do not have time to amend the reports in report designer
Saeed Malik almost 8 years ago in Send To Excel 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Aged debtor/creditor reconciliation

To have the ability to select an option where the total balance on the aged debtor and aged creditor reports matches the balances in the nominal accounts so the true ageing is shown on the report and you don't have to use deferred values and assig...
Guest over 5 years ago in Sales Ledger - Debtor Reconcilation 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

The facility to add Nominal codes onto VAT Reports to aid reconciliation between Sales & VAT Outputs (not always the same thing)

Auditors amp; HMRC Vat inspectors always want to see the reconciliation between Sales Invoices & Credit Notes which are not always coded to Sales within the P&L; these are sometimes posted to the credit of costs e.g. recharges, but the inv...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Nominal 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support