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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Report Designer

Showing 51

Allow custom tables and views to be added in report designer

I would like to see the report designer data sources improved so end users can access any table or view in the Sage database, particularly custom tables and views. This would allow greater reporting capability and if needed report on any bespoke w...
Guest about 10 years ago in Custom Tables 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Make report designer email attachments easier to view & update

In report designer you have a section for email settings. The first tab covers the to, from, subject & email body text whilst the second tab allows you to add files that are attached to report designer output that is emailed. Often during upgr...
Ian Makinson about 1 year ago in Emailing 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Report Designer - Stop group footers from causing blank spaces on multiple page reports

Example: if you set up an invoice or statement layout and have the transactions appearing in the Details tab, then have a customer account number group footer section giving the totals and perhaps bank details etc etc then this causes blank spaces...
Vicky Poole over 8 years ago in Page Footer 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Ability to add the Windows Username onto a report or layout

This would allow documents to be personalised or audited for security purposes. For instance you could see who printed a sales order acknowledgement or despatched goods. Spindle does not facilitate this feature.
Guest over 6 years ago in Add Windows Username 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Report Designer to stop prompting for a password when already logged in to Sage 200

In the current version of Sage 200 Report Designer , when editing a report / layout you are prompted to log in even if you are already logged in to Sage 200. In previous versions, if you were logged into Sage 200 when you opened a report / layout ...
Michelle White about 9 years ago in Login 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

The system should automatically spool a copy of any Run Time reports so they can be retrieved if they are not printed for some reason.

There are a number of processing in Sage 200 that produce reports which cannot be reproduced at a later stage, for example the receonciled and unreconciled reports when running a cash book reconciliation.
Christopher Hall over 6 years ago in Spooler 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Print Spooler Status field - additional value - Emailed

REQUEST FOR CHANGE: on behalf of: Bradford Armature Winding Company When a report is printed from the Print Spooler then the status changes to 'Printed' to reflect this, but when a report is emailed the status remains as 'Unprinted' so you do not ...
Howard Taylor over 3 years ago in Spooler 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Ability to send invoices to multiple email addresses (Ten +) As in Sage 50

I have a customer that needs to email copies of its invoices to multiple email addresses from Sage 200 as they used to be able to do in Sage 50 - Is there any possibility this could be included in a future release ?
Guest over 5 years ago in Emailing 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Saving criteria in Report Designer to be retained

A customer of ours is using a report but wants it to default to a particular range via saving the criteria in the report designer design mode. When running the report this isnt saved so has to be manually entered. They could save the criteria on r...
Gary Butler almost 4 years ago in Criteria 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

BOM - Component Stock Requirements for BOM that cannot be built

Have tried multiple ways to find out what components are needed for BOM and have spoken to our support. i.e I have a component that is mainly used on BOM but I cannot find out how many I need to fulfil these orders. I can find ones that are alloca...
Guest almost 3 years ago in BOM - Components Report 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support