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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal


Showing 56

Sage 200 Manufacturing MRP Build - Returns

The current MRP build ignores returns and does not include these in the stock projections Our end user would like the option to include both purchase and sales returns purchase returns are the most import , example given, received 80 of the item, ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Manufacturing 0 Will not implement

Ability to close multiple Works Orders at the same time

Currently, Works Orders can only be closed down one by one which is really, very time consuming. As the closure process doesn&t allow for any alteration of data, you simply click &Close& then &OK& it seems logical to allow this...
Michelle White about 9 years ago in Manufacturing 0 Will not implement

Manufacturing - MPS Read Demand

Can this utility have the option to be automated, like we can for MRP?
Guest over 7 years ago in Manufacturing 0 Will not implement

MPS - automated option such as MRP

Hi, I am sure this question has been raised in the past but couldn&t see a more recent ideas hub entry. Over the years a few customers have asked for an automated MPS option to tie into the automated MRP run. The reasoning behind this is the n...
Guest about 8 years ago in Manufacturing 0 Will not implement

Allow MPS to be run automatically (in the same way you can with the MRP)

At the moment we can set up the MRP to run overnight under windows scheduler. Can we make MPS do the same. It was an old wish list item, number 4784
Guest almost 7 years ago in Manufacturing 0 Will not implement

For the MPS list to work like in 2011 and Prior (highlight exclude)

A customer of ours has upgraded from 2011 to Sage200c, they have gone to use the MPS list to select orders to exclude. This previously was done but Ctrl or Shift and clicking the individual orders then clicking Exclude - this then only included th...
Gary Butler over 5 years ago in Manufacturing 0 Will not implement

Trade unit by supplier (2595)

The facility to set a UOM (trade unit) against a supplier and being able to use that unit for MRP generated purchase orders (Order generation and as the default when creating manual orders) would offer much greater flexibility and eliminate roundi...
Guest about 10 years ago in Manufacturing 2 Will not implement

Allocate and Print works orders from the SOP order entry form

When entering a SOP order you can create a works order automatically. It would be great if you can choose to allocate and print the works order upon Saving the SOP order. At the moment the SOP order will create and give a reference number for the ...
Robert Brailsford almost 9 years ago in Manufacturing 0 Will not implement

Project Accounting and Manufacturing Integration

It would be great if the Project Accounting module and Manufacturing could be integrated to allow production costs to be assigned to a project.
Michelle White about 9 years ago in Manufacturing 0 Will not implement

Change to Narrative with Component cost variances in Works Order Processing

When Actual costing is used andthe POP setting is&Update Prices when Invoice is Recorded&, if there is a difference between the planned cost and actualMaterial cost on the Works Order,the difference in costis posted to the Nominal Ledger w...
Guest about 9 years ago in Manufacturing 0 Will not implement