Would be useful if each log in had it's own set up on each page (which category is shown on each page) as this is often specific to each individual. At the moment, it is set to each computer, rather than log in.
Christine Sellick
11 months ago
in Desktop Settings
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To be able to minimise Sage without every Sage application to close too. Also moving Sage windows/applications across different desktops with the whole Sage program moving too. I was able to do this on Sage 200 before we updated.
almost 6 years ago
in Minimise
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allow multiple forms open without having to edit size of main program window (2015 and onwards)
since the open forms has changed to bottom of screen you can no longer have multiple forms open at the same time unless you edit the main program window size (ie not maximised) client has just upgraded from 2011 to 2017 and finds this an inconveni...
joanne scott
about 7 years ago
in Tabs/ Open Forms
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