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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Sage Connect

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Sage Connect - ability to sync a company name change from Sage 200 into the app

Where a company has been set up with the incorrect name in the ERP data set, where it is changed allow the data that is synced with the change in to be consumed by Sage Connect.
Jo Kirkup about 18 hours ago in Sage Connect 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Sage Connect App - Would like the ability to limit functionality at a user level, specifically the export to excel

feedback from our EA partner program, more specific user settings, e.g. export to excel to restrict the account if they shouldn't have the ability to do this. He can see non-finance people using it so thinks its important to allow businesses to co...
Jo Kirkup 16 minutes ago in Sage Connect 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Sage Connect - Change to the wording in the app

Partners in our EA program that when you go to send the invoice to the customer through the connect app the template you'd use is called Invoice Presentment. They aren't keen on this wording and would prefer an alternative.
Jo Kirkup 36 minutes ago in Sage Connect 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Sage Connect - App Home number of customers isn't actually total customers its those with a balance.

The way in which is presented in the portal activity box, your eye is drawn to Customers and then the number not the definition. It would be expected that you see the total number of customer on your summary screen anyway. When you go into my netw...
Jo Kirkup about 18 hours ago in Sage Connect 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support