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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

My ideas: Decimal Precision

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Decimal places should be kept to 2 on item prices

Ability to adjust decimal places to 2 on currency should be allowed as it can throw out the final invoice figure but we are in a country that has only 2 decimal places so it is unrealistic to have more than one on item prices. Figure should be rou...
Christine Sellick over 1 year ago in Decimal Precision 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Would it be possible to add a setting to restrict the number of decimal places in Sage 200 to 2 decimal places

Would it be possible to add a setting to restrict the number of decimal places in Sage 200 to 2 decimal places? This would prevent rounding issues and make it easier for accounting (ie. stock item set up at say £1.54456 could cause rounding issues...
Guest about 10 years ago in Decimal Precision 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Make Decimal Places on Screens flexible - eg Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Stock Control

Many customers do not use Decimal places to 5 decimal places and this causes user errors. There needs to a setting in each module to set the decimal places on screens. Option need to be between 0 & 5 decimal places
Saeed Malik almost 8 years ago in Decimal Precision 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support