P&L report which allows you to compare current Quarter with Prior Year Quarter
P&L MTD report which allows you to compare current Quarter with Prior Year Quarter thus allowing for seasonal fluctuations in business ideally compare any group of months with the same Months in the Prior year or multiple years or compare a gr...
Victoria Hanley
about 7 years ago
in Profit and Loss
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Improvements to the Nominal Ledger Year End Report (Accumulated Profit/Loss)
The Nominal Ledger Year End Report shows a New Year ‘Credit’ figure against the ‘Accumulated Fund’ account, which does not include the new one-sided journal entry relating to the sum of all the P&L Account balances (which have just been cleare...
Eric Belshaw
almost 3 years ago
in Profit and Loss
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Profit & Loss report to tell you if a nominal or report category is missing like Sage 50
Please can there be an optional message or notification added to a P&L when run to advise if a report category or nominal is missing from the report which could cause an imbalance? Sage 50 has this feature and we have a few customers who have ...
We have a number of P&L reports, by Cc, by dept/customer etc, the option to have the GP% overhead% and Net profit % on the reports would be very beneficial, also the ability to add this through the report designer would be a great addition,
over 5 years ago
in Profit and Loss
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Profit and Loss report to show Gross Margin % and Net Margin %
Profit and Loss report to show Gross Margin % and Net Margin % Gross Margin % = Total Sales - Cost of Sales / Total Sales Net Margin % = Total Sales - Cost of Sales - Overheads / Total Sales
over 8 years ago
in Profit and Loss
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support