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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal


Showing 16

Ability to open Sage 200 Standard twice

Before the update on 28/10/2024 you had the option of opening the Sage 200 application twice. This was an undocumented feature but very useful for Sage 200 Standard Online customers that had more than one company. For one of our customers it's abs...
John Dunn 4 months ago in Launch multiple instances of Sage 200 2 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Sage 200 Standard - Calculate Net Function

Sage 50 has a calculate net button when entering transactions. Can we have the same in 200 Standard?
Wendy Greaves almost 2 years ago in Calculate Net 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Folders for Favourites

It would be great if you could put your favourites into folders to save having to keep strolling up and down.
Karen Marsh over 1 year ago in Desktop 1 Already Exists

Spell check

When I type a lot into Sage I always copy and paste it into word to ensure there are no mistakes. It would be ideal if Sage had a spell check feature.
Guest over 6 years ago in Spell Check 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Select Company List Box Bug

This is probably a bug more than an idea request. Since v2015 or v2016 onwards the Company Selection list box at logon does not show the last highlighted/selected company that a user logged into. (In my case I have clients with 20,30 & 40+ com...
Paul Daly almost 6 years ago in Select Company 3 Not an idea

Old Wish List Item 6179 - Archiving and Purging should be available for Sage 200 Online

Currently Sage 200 Online does not have Archiving and Purging available in Sales and Purchase Ledger and in SOP and POP. This means that the customer either has to pay more for database storage or the BP has to download their data into an On-Premi...
Guest about 9 years ago in Archive 1 Will not implement

Stop user being able to open multiple session of 2015 Extra On Premise

Currently you can open up multiple sessions of 2015 on premise. This could be useful for having multiple companies open at any one time. However, once logged in any subsequent sessions you log in to do not laod any bespoke functionality, which cau...
Guest about 9 years ago in Launch multiple instances of Sage 200 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Speed up clicking on workspaces section and refreshing of workspaces data

This is very slow on older computers meaning it does not get used
Guest over 9 years ago in Performance 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

For the BI Monthly News Letter To Be Updated For The First Time In 4 Months

The monthly news letter got changed to BI monthly, but has now not been updated in 4 months!
Guest over 7 years ago in Comms 1 Will not implement

Improve sage 200 desktop application start time

Improve sage 200 desktop application start time
Guest almost 8 years ago in Performance 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support