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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

To be able to remove Profit & Loss transactions from previous year in Sage 200 after running Year End

In Sage 200 Online it is not possible to remove profit and loss transactions from the previous financial years like it is for On-Premise. In On-Premise, the option is under NL Period End Routines Account Maintenance. Sage Support advised that we would have to restore a backup to an On-Premise version and then run the Account Maintenance to zero down the P&L accounts and then backup again. You would then have to restore again back to Online. This seems very time consuming and would be much easier if they could just run the same option as On-Premise sites. It is good practice to remove P&L transactions after running the Year End.

Product Variant Sage 200 Standard, Sage for Education
  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Jan 11, 2024

    Sage 200 Extra Online no longer exists, however the same is true of Sage 200 Standard/ Sage for Education, therefore the idea would be specific to these product variants only.