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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal
Status Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Categories Record invoice
Created by Jamie Davies
Created on Sep 23, 2016

Reverse / Cancel POP invoice

Scenario is that you have entered a stock POP invoice incorrectly, for example the qty invoiced is too high. It would be useful to reverse this invoice so that you can re-enter correctly. The current process involves having to create a new PO, entering a return /credit and writing off the original PO, sometimes this isn't really suitable as the original PO may have many other lines on it that are part / fully processed.


POP Invoice Reversal

If a Purchase Invoice is inputted incorrectly in Purchase Order Processing, the only way to correct it is to reverse it off of the Purchase Ledger and add it directly back onto the Purchase Ledger. It would be useful if there was an option to reve...
John Dunn over 6 years ago in Record invoice 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support