Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Provide Sage 200 Educational users with a compatible file(s) to Import the ESPO/ YPO Product Catalogs

More and more Educational establishments are taking up Sage 200 Standard Online. A number of these institutions rely on the ESPO and YPO product catalogues for stock inventory. Currently both ESPO and YPO provide rudimentary import files which are based upon very old versions of Sage 50/ Line 100. In their current format neither are compatible to be imported directly into Sage without some customization. I'm proposing that we create a file import template with which the end user can copy and paste in the current file contents once downloaded from ESPO/ YPO. ESPO - YPO -

  • Guest
  • Jul 11 2017
  • Idea Accepted - Gauging Support