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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal
Status Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Categories Excel
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 28, 2017

Move away from CSV imports & introduce Excel imports

It would be more efficient to move away from using CSV file imports & instead enable Excel file imports as this would remove the step of saving as a csv file, it would also reduce the chances of introducing data errors on import when a user opens the csv file with excel & Excel strips out all leading zeros. This feature is available in competitor products & is far simpler. It would also be worth changing the imports to allow updates so that data can be updated, i.e. customer addresses, credit limits, analysis codes etc

  • +1

Update import process to allow import from Excel rather than just CSV

Can we please have a development to allow the import of records via Excel files as with Sage 50. This will save in duplication of work creating files for upload into the system where all the workings are in Excel and then you have to create a dupl...
Guest about 7 years ago in Excel 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support