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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

E-banking Multi-Currency Payment File SEPA

Using the Suggested Supplier Payments Run in Purchase Ledger: At present in Sage 200 it is not possible to Generate Payments for multiple suppliers with different currencies in a Single Payment File The error log states the Supplier Account Currency does not match the Bank Currency and is therefore excluded from the run You can only pay Euro Suppliers from your Euro Bank and GBP Suppliers from your GBP Bank separately With SEPA it is now possible through your physical bank to process multi-currency payments in a single payments file, the SEPA file is called (“MCY” XML File) So there is a requirement to have the option to produce a single SEPA XML Payment File in a payment run from one bank and to be able to pay different currency suppliers in the same run/same file Factors: 1) Saves Time on processing manual foreign currency payments 2) Reduction on no of manual transactions (reduction of bank transaction fees etc.)

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Paying foreign suppliers with SEPA

The help screen states "You cannot pay foreign suppliers through e-Banking". This seems even for SEPA payments.'s%20via%20e-Banking.htm?Highlight=e-banking
Hamish Macdonald 6 months ago in Suggested Payments 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support