Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Please can you make it possible to amend the Project Title after the project has been saved.

Sometimes when a new project is created and saved I will notice that I mis-typed a word and it would be so simple to be able to call up the project and correct the mistake. Or other times a project will be given a name when it is created but then over time the project changes and it would be useful to be able to rename the project to something more suitable. I cannot see why something as simple as a title cannot be changed as many times as you would like.

  • David Selvage
  • Sep 16 2024
  • Review Required
Idea Benefit To correct mistakes and allow for future changes.
How do you solve for this problem today? There is no way to solve this problem at present.
  • John Wilkins commented
    16 Sep 09:30

    Hi David,
    It is possible to re-name the project. It is just a little hidden and not in the most obvious, user-friendly place!
    If you go into "Amend Project" then "Amend Project Structure", you can amend the Title in that window.
    Hope this helps.

