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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

A stock ageing report that allows you to exclude stock transfer transactions.

A stock ageing report should include only In and Out transactions to age the stock and not transactions when you move the stock from one location to another.

Idea Benefit Many companies would benefit from being able to accurately age their stock. This would allow them to more easily calculate a monthly provision against aging stock giving a more accurate valuation.
How do you solve for this problem today? Today we use a full stock report and v-look up the last 12 month sales against it which is very limiting. We also use a stock aging report custom built but the transfer transactions make it highly inaccurate.
  • Stuart King
    Sep 16, 2024

    100% agree. It needs to use values and volumes as an option when running. Also, retrospective. It's possible to do it with excel and sql, so Sage ought to plug the gap and provide it as a built in report.