Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Bank transactions Import for HSBC Commercial Credit Card

Not all banks support Bank feeds, we use Cashbook to process credit card statements, which definitely won't get Open Banking support any time soon.

  • Stuart King
  • Feb 26 2024
  • In Development
Idea Benefit Faster processing, eliminate data entry issues
How do you solve for this problem today? We manually enter Cashbook transactions like it's 2002
Fixed in version 2024 R2
Implemented in version (specific) 2024 R2
  • Stuart King commented
    08 Apr 17:08

    Sounds to be promising. I'm in.

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    08 Apr 16:52

    We’re currently working on a potential new feature that will allow the ability to download and import bank transactions for the purposes of bank reconciliation. The data, once imported, would appear within the bank feeds service, allowing you to use a set of custom rules. This would be for a number of reasons:

    • Bank feeds does not currently have a connection to your bank or your bank account type

    • Bank feeds isn’t syncing to suit your business requirements i.e. more frequent transaction updates required

    We’re looking for customers who would be able to work with us in reviewing this and providing feedback & insight. We don’t anticipate that it will take more than 30 mins of your time and you would need to be available this month (April 2024).

    If you are interested in helping please email

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    13 Mar 16:06

    At present HSBC don't offer notifications when transactions become available throughout the day with our current Sage built connection syncing once a day.

    I've just had our Plaid integration activated for you, that syncs every 6 hours so might work better for you. When connecting it shows as HSBC (UK) - Corporate: HSBC Net - this is the screenshot from inside Sage 200

  • Stuart King commented
    08 Mar 11:59

    I'll test that now, thanks.

    Working a day behind is too slow for us though. B2C business with same day despatch commitment. Needs to be in real time or at least several updates a day for that day.

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    08 Mar 11:46

    so some good news, HSBC Corporate Credit Cards are available as a feed however perhaps not so obvious. In the Sage 200 product when you set up bank feeds within the cashbook account, you need to search for HSBCnet as shown below.

    There was an issue where you had a delay with transactions being brought in, this has been addressed and all previous day transactions are now ready by 9am, so you may wish to retry this as it sounds like it would solve your problem?

    On the import file piece, yes you would be able to have rules.

  • Stuart King commented
    08 Mar 10:17

    File upload sounds good, Do you know if it will feed into the Bank feeds module so we can make use of the bank feed rules feature?

    We don't currently use Sage Bank feeds for our HSBC Net accounts because when we trialled it, the Open Banking sync was 24 hours behind. Too slow for us. At the moment we have no way to benefit from the very useful Bank feed Rules feature.

    If we can just use file imports instead of having it synced it is actually better than having a link to the bank. (until the link is in real time)

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    08 Mar 09:35

    brilliant thank both, I'm trying to find out from our banking team if we have this on the roadmap. We're also looking at adopting a new service which will allow file imports of banking transactions for reconciliations so this would support where the bank feeds isn't connected to your provider or account type.

  • John Wilkins commented
    06 Mar 12:41

    @Jo, just to confirm MiVision relates to HSBC, which I see Stuart has already answered. Thanks Stuart!

    @Stuart - I agree, it isn't the best but on the plus side, at least there are a few things that we can do for ourselves on there which then avoids a 1 or sometimes 2 hour wait on hold to try and get through to HSBC on the phone! Terrible!

  • Stuart King commented
    06 Mar 11:37

    Unfortunately we use the MiVision Website for HSBC Cards. It's an absolute dog's dinner and is why I'm confident in my pessimism about the chance of integrating this. We just need the ability to use a csv template to upload into bank feeds...

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    06 Mar 11:03

    Hi John, I'm not familiar with MiVision, do you have any more information e.g. which bank and which bank account types and I can check our current connections list

  • John Wilkins commented
    04 Mar 10:31

    Hi Stuart, we previously used HSBC Commercial Cards but have switched everything to their MiVision platform. You might like to take a look.

    Not sure whether Sage works with this, probably not. @ Jo - any plans to include this too please?


  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    26 Feb 12:38

    If we keep them separate then the demand can be tracked easily, the bank feeds is a central team at Sage so they track demand from all Sage products. I've updated the notes on this one now.

  • Stuart King commented
    26 Feb 11:38

    Sounds great if it actually gets done (5 years for a csv import option?). I would prefer the already logged idea be implemented. It only needs Sage to make it happen. Just a note on the merged suggestion.. The other suggestions don't specifically mention it, but it needs PL, SL and CB postings to be part of the upload options. It also needs to allow for VAT codes on the NL transactions and also Inter bank account transfers...

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    26 Feb 11:18

    thanks Stuart, I think you have 2 ideas, one for the idea already logged and one for bank reconciliation for HSBC Credit Cards.

    If you can vote on this one

    and I suggest that we convert this idea into wanting bank reconciliation for HSBC Commercial Credit cards

    what do you think?

  • Stuart King commented
    26 Feb 10:42

    I've just tested e-banking, it doesn't work unless the bank provides a plugin, which it doesn't (for credit cards). It doesn't support Bank feeds either. So given all we've spoken about, my suggestion is "can we import Nominal, Sales and Purchase Ledger transactions that also post to the Cashbook using a standard CSV into Sage so it can be reconciled manually?" If that's the same as the 5 year old suggestion linked below that has never been implemented, please merge this with that and continue to not implement it until someone else suggests it and you can tell them how this already exists again...

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    26 Feb 10:31

    I've just checked in on bank feeds and we have the partner card services and HSBC retail card live in the USA so let me ask about the UK and corporate cards

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    26 Feb 10:29

    Our compatible banks are listed here, unfortunately we don't cover to account level and we don't have banking credentials to allow us to test so you would need to evaluate it.

  • Stuart King commented
    26 Feb 10:01

    That "different idea" was suggested in 5 years ago, has 25 votes, has been merged with 5 other ideas, is at "idea accepted - gauging support" and still isn't implemented... I won't hold my breath...

  • Stuart King commented
    26 Feb 09:51

    HSBC Commercial Credit Card, we use Bank Reconciliation as a way to process and reconcile the monthly statements which have a mixture of Nominal, Purchase Ledger and POP transactions on them. Approx 200 TX per month, currently processed by one user. Does e-banking deal with this and allow for rules?

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    26 Feb 09:46

    You can use e-banking > e-reconciliation to do this more information is in this helpfile page.

    Bank Feeds is the modern way to validate your transactions. Please let us know which bank you are using and we can pass this onto our banking product team to review.

    If you wish to import the cashbook transactions, for processing rather than reconciliation purposes that would be a different idea - the is already an idea logged for this -