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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Unable to check stock item and associated quotes

My colleague was asking whether there was a way to see whether an item was associated with any open quotations. We'd made a stock item inactive in the past but we'd noticed that it had been made active again. It was not easy to view from looking at the stock item, to see whether there were perhaps any open quotes. It would be good if there were a way which worked in a similar way that you can already check the open sales orders. It would be helpful if the quotes could be added as an additional option in the drop down, either that or added into the existing sales orders section. In this example, our item 99.00145.A was on a live quote 244, but you can't see this easily. When you view the open sales orders associated with the stock item, quotes are excluded. Could a "View quotations" section be added in a similar way to the "View Sales Orders" or "View Purchase Orders" works from the stock list? Fortunately we can work around this with Power BI but not everyone will have that luxury. Thanks

Idea Benefit Much easier to check stock volumes and pipeline/demand or potential demand for item.
How do you solve for this problem today? Use information extracted from Sage into Power BI
  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Feb 19, 2024

    As Geoff mentions above you can use a report within the product with the relevant criteria set, as you're asking for a view which isn't the same as a report I've marked this one up as Idea Accepted - Guaging Support.

  • Geoff Turner
    Feb 16, 2024

    Another way of doing it would be Reports / Status / Sales Orders (Detailed) with these criteria: