Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Picking list report for Work Order wave

A report that allows to print a picking list for Work Orders Wave.

Although the picking is done with scanners, a report would allow an operative to check the products and quantities they are expecting.

At the moment, the only way to see the total quantities expected is by exporting all the components of each Works Order in the wave and adding them together. Depending on the number of components on each Works Order and the number of Works Order in a wave, this can be quite labour intensive and prone to errors.

  • Gemma Esclarin
  • Jan 17 2024
  • Delivered
Idea Benefit The report would provide the total quantities of the components in a Works Order wave.
How do you solve for this problem today? Exporting all the components of each WO in the wave into an Excel file and then use pivot tables.
Fixed in version Report Design Service
  • Admin
    Keith Carver commented
    22 Jan 08:42

    Hi Gemma
    Please contact our Report Design team to discuss this further with a view to seeing if this can be achieved by creating a custom report.

    Details on how to do this are available here.