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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal
Status Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Categories Fixed Assets
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 1, 2023
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit S200UK-I-342 Fixed Asset Disposals in the FA Module.

For assets with NIL NBV the only option is to delete them, but it only removes the assets from the list, with no nominal postings being done. On disposal We need to remove the original transactions, i.e. the original fixed assets cost and the accumulated Merged

For assets with NIL NBV the only option is to delete them, but it only removes the assets from the list, with no nominal postings being done. On disposal We need to remove the original transactions, i.e. the original fixed assets cost and the accumulated depreciation. Cannot it be done automatically on Sage?