Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Form Focus Should Be Smarter

Sage 200 sometimes focuses on the wrong form. Example: Open Amend BOM form > Edit an Operation and add a component to the Operation then click OK. Sage 200 focuses on the Sage200Desktop application where it should focus on the parent for

  • Guest
  • Aug 3 2016
  • Delivered
Fixed in version 2016 (and earlier versions)
Implemented in version (specific) 2016
  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    October 26, 2023 13:09

    Available in latest version - Sage 200 Extra 2016 SP1

    The example you've provided here I'm unable to replicate in the latest version of our Sage 200 Extra software.

    Moving forward, this would be classed as a bug rather than an idea. If you do come across any other instances then please log it with our Technical Support team or via

    Many thanks,
    The Sage 200 Team