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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Add Country of Origin and Partner VAT ID to the Intrastat Declaration

For Northern Irish businesses, the Intrastat Declaration now needs to include Country of Origin and Partner VAT ID. At present they have to manually amend the csv file. To do this requires tens of hours of work by customers depending on how many lines are produced, having to use a combination of the commodity code/goods value/date range on the Intrastat Entry Maintenance window and clicking through several screens to gather the necessary information. Then manually inputting this information into the csv file. Then repeating this process per line for what can be several thousand lines. Its causing a major issue for our customers as the workaround is untenable going forward and needs to be addressed within the program.

Fixed in version 2022 R2
Implemented in version (specific) 2022 R2
  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Oct 26, 2023

    This was added to our Sage 200 2022 R2 release - you can find out more in our What's New Guide