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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal
Status Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Categories Batch Reports
Created by Saeed Malik
Created on Sep 11, 2018

Batch Reports eg P&L reports for multiple combinations of cost centres/depts

Users need to be able run P&L reports for multiple cost centre/dept combinations - therefore a batch list of the reports is required. Each one will have different cost centre/dept criteria also budget owners. There would be a setting to choose which month(period) to run all the reports for. BI has report sets but users wish to run standard P&L/Account Analysis reports from the nominal ledger as a batch like you can do in Sage 50. Also Saving and Loading in the existing nominal reports is too time consuming as each one has to be loaded one by one and the period changed.


Batched reports

The latest Sage 50 News contains information about producing a batch of eg Sales ledger reports at a given time and can be set up within the tools menu. Is this available in Sage 200? I would like to produce a set of Aged Debtor and Aged creditor ...
Jon Watkin about 4 years ago in Batch Reports 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support