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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal
Status Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Categories Nominal
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 20, 2016

Validate transaction import for nominal codes that do not exist in sage

currently when you import customer/supplier transactions and it contains a nominal code that does not exist in sage, it allows the import to go ahead with no warnings and posts it to suspense. I think it should allow more strict validation and reject it or at least warn that it doesnt exist. Pegasus Opera has more strict posting and importing validation checks!


File Import Routine Changes - nominal code validation

it would be great if the validation option checked nominal codes to ensure that no mass postings end up in suspense
Simon Tomkins over 1 year ago in Import/ Export 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Importing Journals to suspense when Invalid Nominal code used.

When importing journals if the nominal code is invalid it will still post to the suspense account and show up in the validation. Would it be possible to add a pop up 'invalid nominal do you wish to continue?' and post to suspense rather than autom...
Gordon Bell over 1 year ago in Nominal 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support