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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Sage 200 - UKI

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Ability to attach documents in other modules, e.g. Sales Ledger, Sales Order Processing.

The ability to attach / scan documents to sales transactions, for example may wish to attachproof of delivery. Please add examples of where and why you would find this useful. Thank you
Guest over 6 years ago in Invoice/Credit 1 Delivered

stop home page defaulting to sage one

R&D have confirmed when sage defaults to sage homepage despite setting a different list view this is intentional code, you have to quit and log back in twice every day to see custom home page
joanne scott about 5 years ago in Home page 1 Delivered

Expand the live/completed status of sales & purchase orders

In Sage 200, if you raise a sales order for 10 items, its status is set to live. If you deliver 5 of these, its status remains as live, there isnt any visual indication on the list of purchase orders that this has been part deli
Guest over 9 years ago in List 0 Delivered

The ability to cater for the Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) to comply with legislation in the Republic of Ireland

The Republic of Ireland's new Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) will go live on Thursday 1 February 2024. Producers and manufacturers of drinks or those who sell them online have a role to play in the new scheme. Under Irish DRS legislation, a producer ...
Steve Boyes 11 months ago in Deposit Return Scheme (CDS) 3 Delivered

Add Save and Cross-Sell functionality into quotes

The Cross Sell functionality is part of standard Sage 200,but it is only included in sales orders and not quotations.Please can it beexpanded it onto quotations?
Lloyd, Caroline almost 3 years ago in New/Amend Quote 1 Delivered

Ability to Reprint Remittance Advices after Suggested Payments has been Deleted

Our customers would like the ability to Reprint Remittance Advices after the Suggested Payments has been Deleted. At the moment the best standard report we can tell them to use is the Allocation Session drill down. This is time consuming to produc...
Guest over 6 years ago in Remittance 1 Delivered

History/audit page or possibly report for recording changes to bank account details:

Another customer request, surrounding debtors and creditors, having control and audit of recording changes to bank accounts to avoid potential fraud, so having an ability to stamp user and date times of who done what changes and when.
Guest almost 5 years ago in Account 1 Delivered

Ability to sort by balance in Nominal Ledger

It would be useful to be able to sort the Nominal List by the Account Balance, it appears that you can sort by all other columns but not Balance.
Michelle White almost 9 years ago in List 1 Delivered

Change licence warning period for Sage 200

Set the licence expiry warning to start appearing 30 days before the licence expires rather than 60 as the new licence keys arent available/do not auto update until 30 days before the licence is due to expire.
Guest over 9 years ago in Licence 1 Delivered

Sage 50 to Sage 200 Migration Tool releases to coincide with Sage 50 release cycle

An update to the Sage 50 to Sage 200 Migration Tool should be provided with every major release of Sage 50, not doing so can cause delays to customers being able to upgrade to Sage 200.
Christopher Hall about 3 years ago in Release schedule 1 Delivered