Sage 200 Professional - Project Issuing of Stock - Cost Methods
Currently, if you issue stock (regardless of the costing method used for that item), if you had to return some of that stock from the project, that stock&s cost price will represent the average cost of the item. This can cause discrepancies if...
David Casey
over 1 year ago
in Project Accounting
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Nominal transaction reports to include a correct brought forward figure
Customers migrating from Sage 50 to Sage 200have requested the ability to run a nominal transaction report that includes a correct brought forward value of transactions prior to the period running the report from. Brought forward values are shown ...
Carver, Keith
over 2 years ago
in Nominal
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
reconcile from multiple bank reconciliation drafts
I save drafts then have to delete them if I have more than one saved. Can they be more flexible? Maybe even Unmark them as 'draft' from within the reconciliation screen?
Ability to add transaction analysis codes to purchase orders
We use transaction analysis codes quite extensively due to having multiple sites. Currently we can only add these at the point of invoice entry which can cause omissions, we would like the ability to add them to POs
over 3 years ago
in New/Amend Order
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Not paying all suppliers from Suggested Payments without doing them individually or doing a lot of amending
When you run a suggested payments report showing all suppliers awaiting payment, it would be good if you could then be able to tick the ones you wish to pay to generate payments. I currently have about 500 suppliers that are paid monthly and altho...
over 1 year ago
in Suggested Payments
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Posting Invoicing Credit Notes through Sage 200 API
Can we have a function to be able to post an actual credit note rather than using the credit transaction. As I would like it line per line as a credit note rather than one single transaction
Neil Raven
6 months ago
in Invoicing
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Currently you can only delete an asset if you dispose of it. I have a customer who has raised an asset and processed depreciation and realised that they used the wrong acquired date. They have reversed the journal but cant delete the asset until t...
Gary Butler
over 1 year ago
in Fixed Assets
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support