Export of report to csv should correctly treat bracketed numbers as negatives
When a report is exported to csv file in SAGE 2015, bracketed numbers (as defined by the windows regional setting for negative numbers) are not exported as negative. It was correct in SAGE 2010.
over 9 years ago
in CSV
Will not implement
Nominal Transaction Imports to auto generate the journal numbers as it does when you manually create one
When Journals are entered manually in Sage 200 they auto generate the journal number ie. J00000001 The client has requested the ability to have the system do this for imported journals also. This would ideally consider in the import that the colum...
over 9 years ago
in Nominal
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Increase Scroll Button Limit which is currently set to 1000 records ie Make the Limit Unlimited but allow users to set a limit if they wish to do so
1000 records limit is too small & inflexible for many customers eg Customer has 4,700 nominal codes and wish to scroll down the Nominal List Re Potential Performance Issues, they can scrollin Amend Report & Consolidation Settings with no p...
Saeed Malik
over 9 years ago
in List
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Allow Imported Transactions to be Pre-Authorised if PL Invoice Authorisation is Enabled
On all Sage 200 versions prior to 2011 if purchase ledger invoice authorisation was enabled for all (£0.00). Imported invoices were not looked at and were imported as Authorised. On version 2013 onwards this core functionality changed and if PL in...
Previous Year Journals - Prefix Journal Number with a J
Maybe a legacy feature from Sovreign, Previous Year Journals Numbers are not pre-fixed with a J. In Sage 200. there is separate transaction type (4)for Previous Year Journals so no need to leave out J if it aprevious year entry. Journals would the...
Previous Year Journals - Journal Number is lost if you manually enter a reference
If you enter text into the reference field the automatic journalnumber saved to the transaction. This makes it harder to see the sequence of journals and more difficult to identity prior year journals It would be best to hide this as percurrent ye...