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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

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Multiple Order Templates

Being able to highlight all templates for the day and adding would be useful.
Christine Sellick over 4 years ago in Repeat Order Templates 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Sage 200 2015 Add the silent mode (unattended mode) for installing the client machines.

Installation from the commend line.
Guest about 9 years ago in Silent install 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

To have the ability to reserve a license for a user

We want to reserve a user seat for a specific user. The user name & password is used by Orbis taskcentre.
Guest about 9 years ago in Licence 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Improve Open Windows - Users often end up with multiple windows open by the of the day

Users are ending up with say 20 open windows by the end of day
Saeed Malik about 9 years ago in Tabs/ Open Forms 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Transaction Date Validation options available in 200 Standard

Would like the ability to choose what transaction validation you would like to use. Currently these options are not available in Sage 200 Standard but they are in Sage 200 extra.
Guest about 9 years ago in Accounting Periods 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Replicate the nominal ledger narrative for balance sheet codes

When entering a purchase invoice or credit note, the user can enter a narrative that is different to the default. This posts to the relevant nominal code that is displayed on the input screen, but the associated Creditors and VAT control accounts ...
Guest about 9 years ago in Invoice/Credit 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Confirm Batch/Serial Numbers for Components Report

If the &Use Component Association required& box is selected against a BOM, when completing a Works Order you are presented with a &Confirm Batch/Serial Numbers for Components& window with each of the Components and their Batch/Seri...
Guest about 9 years ago in BOM - Components Report 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Stock List. using the stock list to save a randonly selected list of products and saving as a criteria in a report. The criteria does not work if you load it onto report again.

Stock List. using the stock list to save a randonly selected list of products and saving as a criteria in a report. The criteria does not work if you load it onto report again.
Guest about 9 years ago in List 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Nominal Ledger

Hi when looking at a project and cost centre in the nominal ledger and it gives the details, it does not let you identify where the cost originates from ie.... Prog costs - 40 xxxxxxxx and you click on this, but you cannot see the supplier on this
Guest over 4 years ago in Transaction Enquiry 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Adding a Select All button to apply Search Categories to Product Groups, not just for the Values

When editing anbsp;Product Group to add Search Categories, currently you only have the option to Select All to add the Values. It would be really useful to have a Select All button added to the Search Category side too. Perhaps the Clear All and A...
Guest about 9 years ago in Product Groups 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support