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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Send To Excel

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Data To Excel column sort order

When using Data to Excel to export information from reports, the column sort order cannot be amended from the Report Designer. This causes an issue when adding a 5th ageing period to the age debtors, the export does not position the 5th ageing col...
Tim Critchley 5 months ago in Send To Excel 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Reports - Export to Excel without merged cells and the need to remove un-necessary data

All the most popular reports to be configured to export to excel without merged cells, users do not have time to amend the reports in report designer
Saeed Malik about 8 years ago in Send To Excel 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Report - Export to Excel - add an option to export direct to excel rather than having to save the report first

You have save the file first, it would be good to export direct to excel
Saeed Malik about 8 years ago in Send To Excel 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Reports that have sub reports (eg) the purchase ledger drill down report to be able to be output to csv excel . Currently this does not

Reports that have sub reports (eg) the purchase ledger drill down report to be able to be output to csv excel . Currently this does not
Guest over 6 years ago in Send To Excel 2 Further Information Required