Currently there is no easy way to identify problems with goods or services received in the Record POP Invoice screen. Therefore the change would be to enhance the goods received screen (as well as the service/free text item received screen) to ena...
about 10 years ago
in GRN
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Prompt or warning message when receiving goods on back to back PO for On-Hold Sales Orders
When a linked Purchase Order has goods receivedit would be helpful toget a warning message or prompt, saying do you want to allocate the goods to the SO as it is on hold, or warning that the SO is on hold but allowing the allocation to go ahead as...
about 10 years ago
in GRN
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Rename title Supplier GRN to GRN ID within the Record Purchase Invoice Screen
Record Purchase Invoice Screen - GRN Section has an incorrect title, the sage GRN is referred to as Supplier GRN, this is incorrect as this is generated by the Sage system, so it should not have the title Supplier GRN
almost 6 years ago
in GRN
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
For example if 100 were ordered and 200 received but only 100 invoiced our customers would like the ability to amend then goods received to 100 at least. There is also an argument to allow them to amend it back to 0 as a lot of our customers recei...
almost 10 years ago
in GRN
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Warning on Date Field for SOP Goods Despatched/POP Goods Received
If you use Transaction Date Validation, you want to try and stop people processing on particular dates. In particular this setting relates to transactions hitting the nominal ledger. A customer has requested that it should still warn you on proces...
about 7 years ago
in GRN
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Flag received goods on POP that have not met the Customers quality control standard.
For some customers, it would be useful to be able to flag goods received if they have not met the Customers quality control standard. So, perhaps if they could be put on query or something similar and then a message to appear before the Invoice is...
almost 10 years ago
in GRN
Will not implement
Booking material/stock in order of field entries to be changed:
When booking in material if the site is not the first thing changed (eg to Wellingborough) and the quantity received and batch numbers are entered, although Sage allows you then to change the site, when you save Sage deletes all details entered an...
over 7 years ago
in GRN
Further Information Required
Can the form be changed to assign a GRN number when booking goods in and not after the GRNis saved, users may want to use it for the batch traceability
almost 10 years ago
in GRN
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
One of my customers receives a retrospective 10% purchase discount on some stock items from the supplier. They would like to be able to create purchase orders for these items at list price, but have them booked into stock at the discounted price, ...
Geoff Turner
almost 10 years ago
in GRN
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support