A Net Monthly Payment term option is needed for customer accounts. The options that are there at the minute don't work to give a due date of the last day of the month.
almost 7 years ago
in Account / Account
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
By default the Memo tab in Account Enquiry is sorted Oldest first, however you cannot resort this by date, it would be useful if this could be done and remember your choice.
Gary Butler
almost 4 years ago
in Account / Account
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Ability to have multiple supplier addresses in Sage 200 Standard
I am about to move from Sage 50 to Sage 200 Standard. I would like the ability to have multiple addresses for a supplier so orders and remittance advices go to different addressees.
about 8 years ago
in Account
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Sales ledger / Purchase ledger Contact information - Telephone number Ext field
Would be a nice addition to be able to store an extension number for a contacts phone number. I have a CRM system that will not sync because the client has resorted to putting EXT1235 in the telephone number field (not a problem for sage200 but ca...
almost 6 years ago
in Account / Account
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
To be able to default the ageing radio buttons in Account Enquiry
Within Purchase or Sales Ledger Account Enquiry Aged Balances Tab - the radio buttons in here can change how the ageing is displayed. If your ageing settings are set to calendar monthly, it firstly doesnt default the radio button to Calendar Month...
almost 7 years ago
in Account / Account
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
One of our customers would like to be able to link a supplier account to a sales ledger account so they can get the an idea of the balance that is outstanding in total adding the two account balances together.
One of our customers would like to be able to link a supplier account to a sales ledger account so they can get the an idea of the balance that is outstanding in total adding the two account balances together.
over 8 years ago
in Account
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Use VAT code as Invoice and Order default: - Include this option on Purchase Supplier records as well as customer.
On POP the purchase orders will default to the VAT code from the stock item, unless non GB. On Customer Sales there is an option to override this to the customer account. This option is not available on supplier records.
about 1 year ago
in Account
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Reinstating the turnover show as graph option on sales ledger account enquiry
On customer account enquiry screen, the turnover tabs in 2011 had a show graph option. Customers recently upgraded to 2015 do not have this option. Please reinstate this feature.
about 1 year ago
in Account / Account
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support