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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Aged Creditors

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SAGE 200 Aged Creditors Report to have the description of the Invoices

Our Partner is charging us £2,800 to just get the description added to aged creditors report and have the description field on the main screen of the supplier page, rather than drill down each time. I have never seen an accountancy software packag...
Guest over 5 years ago in Aged Creditors / Reports 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Aged Creditors - Retrospective - Reconciliations - Show Payments in the current year which have been allocated to invoices in the future

The report does noes not show Payments in the current year which have been allocated to invoices in the future. A key audit and accounting check is to reconcile control accounts. If payment has been allocated to a future dated invoice, the retrosp...
Saeed Malik over 8 years ago in Aged Creditors 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Top Supplier and Debtor Reports

These are basic reports but not in the system. Please can we have them. Would normally be in any finance system
Eames, Rosie over 8 years ago in Aged Creditors 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

to be able to produce an aged creditors report so we can see what amounts are outstanding at any historic date

No description provided
Guest over 6 years ago in Aged Creditors 1 Already Exists

Retrospective Aged Debtors amp; Aged Creditors Locked to the Closed Nominal Ledger Period

If invoices are entered late, the retrospective aged reports will no longer agree to the balance on the control account as the invoices will go into the next period in the nominal.nbsp; Need to be able to produce an aged report that agrees to the ...
Saeed Malik over 8 years ago in Aged Creditors 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support