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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal


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Add Purchaser VAT, Country of Origin and non-VAT registered flag details onto the Draft Intrastat Declaration

Draft Intrastat Declaration report doesn't currently show the Purchaser VAT, Country of Origin and non-VAT registered flag details. These details are included on the Intrastat dispatch csv file in Sage 200 Professional 2022 R2 onwards and may caus...
David Stubbings over 2 years ago in Account / Intrastat 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Intrastat - exchange rates.

Why does Sage use the exchange rate at date of order rather than exchange rate at date of invoice when calculating intrastat entries? Our understanding is that HMRC require the exchange rate at date of invoice. what does everyone out there do?
Guest over 8 years ago in Intrastat 0 Will not implement

Support to 'Temporary Movements' for Intrastat Reporting

The ability to specify a temporary movement for the purposes of intrastate reporting and for the entries to be excluded automatically from the Intrastat return.
Kate Hutchinson over 6 years ago in Intrastat 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support