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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Purchase Ledger (Suppliers)

Showing 223

Bank detail change approval

Could an approvals style routine be build in to allow a senior user to approve any bank detail changes please? The audit log is good but it doesn't prevent changes and so issues could arise before anyone is aware.
Guest over 1 year ago in Account 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

to change the chq number to alpha/number

In the Generate Payments, having a cheque number sequence on a Bacs run is not very useful. this used to called Batch reference, which was much better/useful. Can't this version of Sage be like our old version please
Tina Hollingsworth 7 months ago in Generate Payments 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Add links between Sales transactions and SOP invoices, Purchase transactions and POP invoices

It's not unusual to want to drill down from a sales or purchase invoice/credit note to the SOP/POP invoice. At present, the database structure makes this difficult or impossible as it depends on the transaction reference - which can be amended. A ...
Geoff Turner almost 3 years ago in Transaction Enquiry / Transaction Enquiry 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Non-base currency supplier or customer

Can we see both the foreign and base currency values of Suppliers and Customers displayed on the Supplier and Customer lists
Ronan Cosgrove 11 months ago in List / List 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Proforma account for suppliers

Ability to transact through the PO function for a one time supplier without wishing to store all their details on a PL account record.
Cherry Moran about 1 year ago in Account 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

AR allocation drilldown - show inv date and due date

ON AR enquiry when you click on the allocation drilldown for a payment as well as showing the current info (inv number, amount) please can you add in invoice date and deu date
Jamie Bazley 6 months ago in Transaction Enquiry / Transaction Enquiry 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

List unallocated credit notes and payments on the purchase ledger

This would be useful to ensure we do not over-pay our suppliers. Also useful for reporting on the effectiveness of ledger clerks in allocating these items.
Dick Dick 7 months ago in Allocate 1 Already Exists

Not paying all suppliers from Suggested Payments without doing them individually or doing a lot of amending

When you run a suggested payments report showing all suppliers awaiting payment, it would be good if you could then be able to tick the ones you wish to pay to generate payments. I currently have about 500 suppliers that are paid monthly and altho...
Guest over 1 year ago in Suggested Payments 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Supplier List - Set the Default position of the 'Maximum number of transactions to display'

This functionality is available in Sage 200 Professional but not in Sage 200 Standard. This would make things a lot easier when searching for transaction on Supplier's account if the default position could be increased from just 100 transactions.
Tricia Dickens 4 months ago in Settings 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Use wildcards at time of running a query

It would be useful to be able to use a wildcard in a filter which prompts for data at time of running the filter. An example might be perhaps using and & (or another wildcard) to trigger a pop-up window where a customer/supplier code is entere...
Su Larcombe 5 months ago in List / List 2 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support