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My ideas: Purchase Order Processing (POP)

Showing 210 of 2094

Option to select a budget year when entering purchase orders

It would be really useful to select the budget year when entering a purchase order so that the appropriate budget is checked.
Guest over 5 years ago in New/Amend Return 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

POP Confirm Direct Delivery - ability to enter a delivery date and not use system date

When you perform the confirm direct delivery option in POP, you are unable to specify any form of delivery date and the system date is taken. It does not appear to use the delivery dates entered on the originating sales order nor does it use the r...
Guest about 9 years ago in Confirm Direct Delivery Goods Received 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Item purchase price update option

Is it possible to add an option to update the ‘last order price’ paid and ‘average buying price’ when entering a purchase invoice if the value is different from the PO. Currently we are not booking in stock items until we have the invoice as there...
Guest over 2 years ago in Record invoice 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

POP Column for how an order has been placed

Would like a column in the Purchase Order list to say when the order has been placed i.e. emailed, online, scanned etc. Trying to use the Print/not printed method but find this is time consuming and things are getting missed.
Guest almost 6 years ago in List 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Purchase Requistion Authorisation Workspace should be mutli-panelled to allow drilldown into useful information

The Purchase Requisition Authorisation Workspace should have a second panel with drill-downs for: Combined budget information (including actuals),This will make it easy to see how much budget is left prior to authorising the request (help prevent ...
Christopher Hall almost 6 years ago in Requisition 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

POP Goods Received list to display item description

One of our customers has hundreds of stock codes which can be very similar to each other. When receiving goods against a PO all items are listed by code and only shows the description at the bottom of the screen upon selection of each item. Could ...
Guest over 7 years ago in GRN 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Add New Columns to SOP and POP Lists to quickly show the Value of Goods Despatched (SOP), Value of Goods Received (POP), and Value of Goods Invoiced (SOP & POP) for Partially Recd/Depd/Invd Orders

It would be great to get new columns on the Sales Order List and Purchase Order List to show the:- Despatched/Received Value (SOP) showing the value of goods that have been despatched only on sales orders and the value of goods received only on sa...
Scott Bridgwater over 6 years ago in List 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Amending VAT against lines when recording an invoice

Is there a way to amend the VAT against individual lines when recording an invoice through POP? I have tried to view the order in the hope that I can change the vat rate at this point but not able to. I am not sure if I need to change a setting to...
Guest about 4 years ago in Record invoice 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Purchase Order Contracts - link multiple purchase orders together into a contract

The purchasing manager/procurement user will agree a contract with a supplier to supply stock over a period say between 6 and 12 months. The stock will called off over this time.Delivery Dates will be forecasted. One line for the stock item with m...
Guest over 1 year ago in New/Amend Order 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

It would be really useful to be able to cross refer a POP Order to the invoices that have been entered onto the system against it as you can in SOP

We spend a long time looking though invoice folder trying to find the one we want when the only information we have is the POP purchase order it was bought on. Is it possible to make it so that you can look up the invoice numbers that have been en...
Guest over 9 years ago in Record invoice 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support