Expand SYSNominalAuditTrail table to Include SYSAccountingPeriodID
Expand SYSNominalAuditTrail table to Include SYSAccountingPeriodID as this would allow us to determine what Period a transaction was posted to which currently isn't possible in this area.
Andrew Siddles
about 7 years ago
in Database
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Improve traceability in SYSFeatureErrorLogging when deleting a bin location
When a bin location is created against a stock item, SQL SYSFeatureErrorLogging shows &Add New Location for item: ABBuiltIn/15/0/2& If you amend the name of the bin, SQL SYSFeatureErrorLogging shows &Edit Location for item: ABBuiltIn/1...
almost 10 years ago
in Database
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support